This year we did something different on Christmas. At the end of the day, after all the bustle was over, our close friends came to visit. We had one more round of pie and ice cream accompanied by a cup of espresso (or Americano if you prefer--decaf at that time of day); and here's my favorite part...we all did Qigong together.
Qigong is a Chinese healing system. It originally was developed as a balance to Kung Fu, the martial art.
We had fun! I felt better for having done the exercises. There is something about moving in unison, as if in a dance: We were together, moving together, doing something good for ourselves and each other.
It doesn't get any better than that, does it?
What is your favorite memory of the season? Maybe you celebrate something other than Christmas...tell me about your experience.
I'd love to hear.
Wanda Tucker, Coach